Keeping Advent: day three

8:00 AM

It is only December 3, but if you're like me, you're already feeling weary of Christmas and holiday preparations, given that stores have been prepping for Christmas for nearly a month already. If you're looking for some alternatives to the wearing consumerism and commercialism of the season, the following links might be of interest to you:

Advent Conspiracy: I came across this book/website last year and was truly impressed with its mission. Its purpose is to help people rethink not only the reason for the Advent and Christmas season, but also the ways that we can honor and live out the true spirit of the season. Advent Conspiracy is made of up four movements: worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all. Take some time to browse all of the wonderful things they have available on their website.

Unplugging the Christmas Machine: I have not read this book, though I have heard much about it from people who highly recommend it. Its review says,

"Now in its 13th printing, Unplug the Christmas Machine remains one of the most comprehensive guides to managing Christmas stress and combating commercialism. Jo Robinson and Jean Coppock Staeheli give readers solid advice on how to make their celebrations more spiritual and less materialistic. Practical discussions, such as shopping lists, holiday recipes, and family activities, meld with deeper issues, such as how to teach children that Christmas is more than a present or how to find meaning in the holiday when you're not especially religious."
What other books or websites do you know of that speak to themes of redefining, simplifying, and appreciating the true meaning of the Advent and Christmas seasons? What are some of the ways that you and your family take time and space to focus on the season or remove yourselves from the modern commercial nature of Christmas?

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