Advent 1: One day you'll carry our sorrows away

8:00 AM

It's a little early in Advent for a "Jesus is born" lullaby, but I heard this for the first time yesterday and was completely captivated by it. It is sweet, charming, peaceful, and just enough surprising to keep you listening intently. It is a rocking song of the salvation for which we wait: Christ will come soon, as a little bitty baby, to save us, to lighten our dark world with a bright star.

Motets: Lullay
Text by Carol Barratt
Music by Karl Jenkins

Lullay, lullay.
Lullay, my loved one, so peaceful, so small,
sleep while the world awakes.
Under the bright star just over your stall,
safe as the morning breaks.
Lullay, lullay.
Jesu, so peaceful, asleep in the hay,
rest till you hear us call.
One day you'll carry our sorrows away,
soon you will save us all.
Jesu, Jesu.
Lullay, my loved one, so peaceful, so small,
rest till the storms pass by.
Lullay, lullay.

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