Monday in Holy Week: She loved much

8:00 AM

"Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard,
anointed Jesus' feet, and wiped them with her hair."
-- John 12:3
"Anointing His Feet #2," 2008 by Wayne Forte

Multum Dilexit
by Hartley Coleridge

She sat and wept beside His feet; the weight
Of sin oppress’d her heart; for all the blame,
And the poor malice of the worldly shame,
To her was past, extinct, and out of date:
Only the sin remain’d,—the leprous state;
She would be melted by the heat of love,
By fires far fiercer than are blown to prove
And purge the silver are adulterate.
She sat and wept, and with her untress’d hair
Still wip’d the feet she was so bless’d to touch;
And He wip’d off the soiling of despair
From her sweet soul, because she lov’d so much.
I am a sinner, full of doubts and fears:
Make me a humble thing of love and tears.

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